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peter wyn mosey

Photo by Leah Kelley on

My day job for the last few months as a freelance content and copywriter has turned me into the font of all knowledge. I now clutter my brain with information. I have always talked like a bit of a know-all, but unless it is an obscure fact that nobody cares about regarding a film or a band that I like, I am very often wrong. However, the ability to quickly research a topic and to be able to talk about it with conviction and authority is slowly becoming second nature now. I write a lot, and the words I put on a page end up on blogs and business websites the whole world over. Thankfully though, my brain is only good for holding a certain amount of information.  That means that I am getting very good at forgetting all of the unnecessary information,

So far this year, I have learnt all about how the pressure used in making espresso is the equivalent of being 300 foot under the sea, or 4 times the level of your car tyre. I’ve learnt the extraction process for producing zero-THC CBD. Then I’ve also found about dozens of different cosmetic surgery and dental procedures. I’ve written about numerous American cities, as well as the Maldives, Indonesia, and Bali.

The Best Surfing Spots In California

It has never really crossed my mind to ever want to go to California. But, now I know that Malibu is a short drive from the centre of LA and surfrider beach is where pretty much every surfing movie was ever shot. The biggest waves on the Californian coast are to be found north of Santa Cruz in Mavericks (which got its name from a guys dog). The waves are 25ft high there, which is 19 foot taller than me. I learnt that waves can be right-handed or left-handed. 

I did learn more. But I have slept since then. Just like Homer Simpson, something new always comes along and pushes my brain clutter information out of my head.

Before this adventure in surf research, everything that I knew about surfing was from California Games on the SEGA Mega Drive. Hands up if you played that!?

To Make Kombucha You Need A SCOBY

SCOBY stands for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast. Sounds delightful. I love a nice kombucha. If you have not had it, it’s a fermented green tea drink. It’s basically made mixing bacteria, yeast, sugar, and green tea and leaving it all to ferment for a couple of weeks. It then produces a mushroom-like film on the top or a SCOBY. This is also known as a Mother SCOBY and it can be used again to create more Kombucha. This perpetual circle of life is clearly what Elton John was thinking about when he wrote the Lion King soundtrack. 

What is the weirdest knowledge you have had to acquire in your line of work?

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