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12 Tips To Build Brand Awareness 

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Photo by Eva Bronzini on

The options are endless when building your brand and making it a household name. However, ensuring you drive brand awareness effectively takes time and consistency. As a marketer, it’s like being the captain of a ship, steering your budget towards the right investments.

You’ve probably noticed that some old-school brand awareness tricks don’t cut the mustard anymore while new tactics take the stage. So, as a marketer, it’s your gig to keep your finger on the pulse and act swiftly. If you’re searching for smashing ideas, try these strategies that build brand awareness. 

1. Give influencer marketing a spin 

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Influencer marketing is an excellent way to drive your brand awareness. When you team up with influencers in your niche who have loyal followers, you’re rolling out the red carpet for your brand. These influencers introduce your brand to people practically itching to buy what you’re selling as the personality they admire is talking about your brand. Studies say that when influencers chip in alongside your brand tweet, it’s like rocket fuel for purchase intent, boosting it by 5.2 times! When these influencers give your products the nod, you’re not just on their radar but on everyone else’s. And that’s the way to go, so keep this in mind. 

2. Get the word out with a referral program 

Referral programs allow existing users to bag some smashing freebies by introducing their mates to your brand. It’s like hosting a jolly good party, and everyone’s invited! Your brand gets more users, more eyes on it, and a significant boost in brand awareness. Take Dropbox, for instance. They give their users 500MB of space for every person they bring on board, up to a whopping 16 GB! It’s like handing out slices of cake at a birthday bash. This nifty move didn’t just help them get off the ground when they were fresh on the scene; it also saved them a boatload on advertising, as their users did most of the legwork. 

3. Explore podcasting 

Starting your own industry podcast is like hosting a cool soiree where you chat up industry bigwigs. It’s a great way to drive your brand’s street cred while forging solid connections with people in your neck of the woods. Perhaps you’re already thinking some sectors, like marketing, have more podcasts than you can count. It might feel like trying to fit in at a crowded pub on a Friday night. But the truth is that, for those niche industries where the podcast scene’s a bit bare, you could become the talk of the town in no time, like being the DJ at your own private gig. And don’t forget about podcast advertising! It’s like having your brand’s name sing aloud on the airwaves. 

4. Get your hands on infographics 

Infographics are a real cracker, bringing life to your marketing content. They’re vibrant, eye-catching content and impossible to ignore. These visual marvels are fantastic for showing off intriguing marketing data and stats, so keep this in mind. However, they’re not just a pretty face.

Infographics have this knack for going viral, getting passed around like a packet of biscuits at a tea party. And that’s where the magic happens. When your infographic gets shared all over the place, it helps announce your brand as an authority; it’s a terrific way to show off your smarts and establish yourself as a thought leader. And this leads to the next point.

5. Take the helm as a thought leader

Becoming a thought leader is like being the head honcho in your industry. It’s not just about your company; it’s about you, your name, and your company’s name being synonymous with innovation, top-notch expertise, and leading the way in your field. Add the cherry on top?

Your brand’s visibility shoots through the roof. It’s like opening a secret door to opportunities – speaking gigs, media features, and partnerships – all of which give your brand a jolly good boost. While you’re at it, why not delve deeper into B2B thought leadership? Think of it as adding extra fuel to your brand’s rocket ship and showcasing your expertise as a business. So, seize the day and lead the charge in your industry. 

6. Give them a taste of ‘freemium’ but with credit 

With freemium, your target audience can pick the free version, complete with a little watermark or credit line, or upgrade to the fancy paid version, where they can wave goodbye to the watermark and even slap on their logo.

The people who grab the free version can become your brand’s unofficial cheerleaders, spreading the word to other users. Some of those new users might fancy the premium upgrade, and that’s like music to your brand’s ears. So, serving up some freemium goodness gets you in front of more eyeballs, bolsters your brand, and brings in paying customers. It’s a win-win. 

7. Paid social advertising 

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The social media world is ever-changing. Organic social marketing gets trickier daily, and it takes a lot to keep up. That’s why savvy businesses turn to paid social advertising and platforms like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), where they thrive. Also, these ads won’t break the bank, and they’ll get your brand noticed in the buzzing world of social media.

Sure, not everyone will whip out their wallets the moment they see your ad, but every time they see your brand, it’s like a friendly nod from a familiar face. And when the time’s right, they’ll remember you and make that all-important purchase. 

While you’re here, it’s also worth it to go through a PPC Audit to see if your paid ads are working out. Posting an ad isn’t the whole process – you need to keep an eye on the way it performs as well.

8. Engaging video content 

In today’s fast-paced world, people are busier than a bee in summer, and advertising is coming at them from all directions. To cut through the noise, you must plunge into the world of bite-sized video content, nothing longer than a few minutes. The goal is to grab the viewer’s attention right from the get-go. Keep it short, sweet, and straight to the point. When you keep it snappy, you’ll see some terrific engagement with your content. It’s like having a quick chat with your audience. It works like a charm! 

9. Align value proposition to customer needs 

You can’t underestimate the need to understand your company’s value proposition and ensure it aligns with what your customers hold dear. If you’re not addressing their biggest challenges and helping them improve their bottom line, your brand might as well be lost at sea.

Once you have that clarity on your value, it’s all about staying on point. Keep your messages, visuals, and proof points consistent and persistent. We can all use a friendly face in the crowd that people can always rely on. That’s how you drive a brand that truly resonates. 

10. Community event sponsorships 

Community event sponsorships are a hidden gem in marketing. It’s often overlooked but a cracker of an opportunity, especially in the nonprofit world. Supporting community-building initiatives helps put your brand in the spotlight and shows your commitment to the community.

For instance, if you sponsor a local music festival, even though it isn’t directly related to your expertise. It would be like showing your love for the neighbourhood and getting loads of exposure to your target audience. So, don’t miss out next time you spot a chance to get involved in a local event. 

11. Join forces with fellow businesses 

Partnering with another business can amp up your brand’s visibility. Find one targeting the same customers but not stepping on your toes. It’s like teaming up with a mate for a game of football where you both bring your skills to the field.

For instance, if you’re in the cake business, you can partner with a restaurant that delivers grub. Toss in a sample of your scrumptious cakes with their orders, and boom! Customers get a taste of your brand, and the restaurant gets more orders. It’s a win-win, like sharing a slice of cake and a cuppa. 

12. Get ahead with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 

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Search engine optimization (SEO) gets you noticed in the digital jungle. Everyone uses search engines to find stuff online. When you do SEO right, your brand shines bright in search results for your chosen keywords.

Picture this: your brand’s name is front and centre on that first page of results when people search those keywords. It’s like having a prime spot in a bustling market. People notice you more, and that’s a top strategy when it comes to driving brand awareness. Plus, being on that first page means your website gets heaps of traffic, which can lead to more conversions. 

Let’s build brand awareness

In a nutshell, boosting your brand awareness is like brewing a perfect coffee. You have plenty of options, and this article highlighted some cracking methods that top-notch brands and marketers have put to the test. These include a solid SEO strategy, partnering with like-minded businesses, and producing engaging content, among others.

Although these strategies don’t just wave a magic wand, they sure can work wonders to get your brand noticed far and wide, and that’s half the battle won. Cheers to more visibility and, of course, those sweet conversions!

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