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7 Therapies That Enhance Workplace Wellness

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Author: Marshall Thurlow

In today’s ever-evolving work environment, the well-being of employees has become a cornerstone of organisational success. 

Employers are increasingly recognising that a healthy workforce is not just about preventing sickness, but actively promoting overall well-being. Infact, a study published in JAMA, which involved 32,974 employees at a large US warehouse retail company, examined the impact of a multicomponent workplace wellness program. The findings indicated that employees exposed to the wellness program reported higher rates of engaging in regular exercise and actively managing their weight.

82% of large firms and 53% of small employers in the United States offered similar  programs as of 2018​​.

This article explores various health modalities that employers can adopt to keep their employees happy, focusing on massage and chiropractic care for back pain, addressing musculoskeletal issues, and ensuring workplace hearing health.

1. Massage Therapy in the Workplace

One effective way to enhance employee wellness is by incorporating massage therapy into the workplace. 

Massage therapy offers a host of benefits, including: 

Employers can facilitate this by setting up dedicated massage areas or organising regular visits from professional massage therapists. This not only provides a relaxing break for employees but also demonstrates an employer’s commitment to their staff’s well-being. 

Regular massage sessions can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work environment.

2. Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the leading causes of workplace discomfort and absenteeism. Employers can address this prevalent issue by providing access to chiropractic care. 

Chiropractors are the experts in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, primarily focusing on spinal health. Through techniques like spinal manipulation and ergonomic advice, they can effectively alleviate back pain, improve posture, and enhance overall musculoskeletal function. Take a look at the different range of conditions chiropractors commonly help address here

Offering onsite chiropractic sessions or partnerships with local chiropractic clinics can be an excellent way for employers to support their employees in managing back pain, potentially reducing the need for medical leave and increasing productivity.

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3. Addressing Musculoskeletal Issues

Musculoskeletal disorders, which include conditions affecting muscles, bones, and joints, can significantly impact an employee’s ability to perform effectively at work. Safe Work Australia reports that hazardous manual tasks are the most common cause of injury in workplaces, accounting for nearly 30% of all workplace injuries.

Employers can take proactive steps by implementing ergonomic assessments and improvements in the workplace. 

Educating employees on proper posture, providing ergonomic furniture, and encouraging regular movement or stretching breaks can help prevent these issues. 

In addition, workshops or training sessions on safe lifting techniques and physical health maintenance can empower employees to take charge of their musculoskeletal health.

4. Workplace Hearing Health

Hearing health is often overlooked in workplace wellness programs, yet it is crucial, especially in environments with high noise levels. 

Employers should ensure compliance with occupational health and safety regulations regarding noise exposure. Providing hearing protection equipment, conducting regular hearing tests (audiogram assessments), and designing workspaces to minimise noise pollution are essential steps. 

Additionally, educating employees about the importance of hearing health and ways to protect it can lead to a more informed and health-conscious workforce.

5. Mental Health Support

Mental health is an integral part of overall employee well-being. Employers can support mental health by creating a work environment that promotes work-life balance, reduces stress, and encourages open communication. 

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) that provide counselling services, stress management workshops, and mindfulness training sessions can be invaluable. 

Creating a culture where mental health is openly discussed and supported can lead to a more resilient and productive workforce.

6. Nutritional and Fitness Programs

Nutrition and physical fitness play a significant role in an employee’s health and well-being. 

Employers can offer nutritional counselling, healthy eating options in the workplace, and fitness programs or gym memberships. 

These initiatives can help employees maintain a healthy weight, boost their immune system, and improve their overall health.

A study published in BMC Public Health concluded that health promotion initiatives, particularly those focusing on the physical aspects of the workplace and its organisational framework, can positively impact work-related outcomes, including reducing absenteeism.

7. Vision Care

Regular eye strain and vision problems can affect productivity and job satisfaction. 

In the short term, prolonged screen use can lead to computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. This condition, while not serious, can be bothersome and negatively affect work efficiency. It is known to potentially cause symptoms such as painful headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, and dry eyes. Find out more about this condition on the American Optimorist Association website

Employers can facilitate regular eye exams and provide vision care benefits. 

Additionally, educating employees about eye health, particularly for those in front of screens for prolonged periods, can prevent eye strain and improve comfort.

Key takeaways

These efforts not only enhance the well-being of employees but also contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the organisation. By prioritising employee health, employers are investing in their most valuable asset – their people.

Author: Marshall Thurlow is the Director and Founder of Orion Marketing Pty Ltd. He is a digital marketer with expertise in SEO, website design, content marketing and project management.

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