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10 Easy DIY Projects To Make Your Home More Livable And Valuable

easy DIY projects

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

There is a good chance that your lifestyle, habits, and needs have changed significantly over the past years. This may be because you’ve started working from home, taken up hobbies like gardening, or simply welcomed a new member—a baby or pet—into your family. 

So, it may have happened that your current home no longer reflects your needs or does not feel as comfortable or spacious as it used to be. 

Fortunately, buying a larger home or spending a fortune on extensive renovations aren’t the only paths to a more livable home. In this guide, we’ll look at ten easy and affordable DIY projects that boost your home’s comfort and livability and increase its market value and longevity. Let’s dive in!

Paint Your Front Door And Home Exteriors

One of the easiest, most affordable home improvement projects you can take on this spring is giving a fresh coat of paint to your home’s front door or exteriors. This project is simple and can be tackled by anyone, even if you are just getting started with home improvement projects or are not comfortable with your DIY skills. 

Before getting started with this project, be sure to keep these tips in mind: 

Improve Energy Efficiency With Smart Home Tech 

When it comes to creating a modern, livable home, you can achieve a lot simply by investing in smart home technologies and appliances. The best ones for your living space entirely depend on your budget, needs, and goals. However, some of the unmissable and most affordable ones you may consider include:

Image: Freepik

Upgrade Your Plumbing With Easy Projects 

Your home’s plumbing system can make a significant difference in the level of comfort and livability of your home. It can also impact your property’s energy efficiency, influence how much you’ll spend on monthly and yearly bills, and determine how sustainable your home is. If you have old or outdated plumbing in your home, this may also determine your level of risk of leaks and water damage, which can be expensive problems to address. 

Calling the pros is certainly an option when it comes to improving your home’s plumbing system, but there is a lot that you can do with a DIY approach. For example, you can improve the efficiency of your home’s plumbing by installing an Isolation Valve, which can reduce the costs associated with water heating and usage. Other projects that can have a significant impact on the quality of your home plumbing system include insulating pipes, replacing your shower head, upgrading faucets, and caulking the bathtub. 

Look After Your Garden And Driveway 

Not only does a well-kept garden improve the livable square footage of a home, but it can also improve its market value. Estimates show that, in the UK, having a properly maintained and landscaped garden can add as much as £45,000 to the value of a home, especially if located within large cities or urban areas!

Even if you don’t have green fingers just yet, there are some easy gardening projects you can tackle without much experience, including:

Install Crown Molding To Add Elegance And Character To Your Rooms

Image: Freepik 

Creating a unique living space does not have to involve extensive renovations and costly upgrades. A simple way to add character and elegance to your rooms – while also making the space appear bigger and more airy – is to add crown molding. 

Crown molding can be applied as a DIY project and entirely customized to your home’s needs. You can use it to frame the focal point of a room – such as your bed or fireplace – or add texture to any room’s walls, which would otherwise be plain or uninteresting. 

Rethink Your Home’s Flow And Floorplan 

If your lifestyle has changed over the past years and your home has started to feel crowded and uncomfortable, the culprit may lie in your floor plan or traffic flow. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to address this issue to make your home feel immediately more comfortable and spacious. These include:

Expand Your Livable Square Footage With The Right Additions

Expanding a home’s livable square footage directly increases the property’s overall value and appeal. But there’s more to it! More space means more room for customization and plenty of space to take up hobbies, work from home, explore different interests, and host guests. 

Ultimately, it is easy to see why more room means a higher quality of life. Nonetheless, given the skyrocketing house prices, most families may not be able to afford extensive renovations or a new, larger home. That’s where smart additions come in. Options such as garden sheds, mother-in-law suites, granny annexes, and workshops can offer plenty more room to your family. 

Image: Freepik 

If you don’t have enough space for these new constructions, you can still optimize your property’s space by installing a decked area or veranda. Plus, don’t forget that your attic or basement may hold unexpected potential for additional livable rooms!

Enhance Your Kitchen By Painting Your Cabinets And Adding A Backsplash

Kitchens are among the most expensive installations in a home, and an extensive kitchen remodel can set you back an average of $26,915, according to Angie’s List. Nonetheless, given how central this area of the house is for your whole family, it is worth exploring alternative avenues to create a more conducive space for family time and activities. 

These include:

Invest In High-Quality Insulation

Insulation may not immediately improve the aesthetics of your home, but it can play a key role in boosting your property’s livability and comfort all year round. Plus, according to Energy Star, adequate insulation can help you save as much as 15% on heating and cooling costs each year!

In particular, focus on sealing air drafts, addressing your attic, basement, and crawl space, and upgrading your windows. Partner with a professional to better understand the areas of your home that are underperforming and can be improved for better overall energy efficiency. 

Beauty Is In The Details: Often Overlooked Aspects That Have A Great Impact 

If the projects above seem too large or complex, there is a lot that you can do to improve the way your home looks and feels by tackling smaller details. These are generally easy to improve without much DIY experience or expenses – and yet, they can make a great difference in the levels of comfort, efficiency, and value of your home. Some aspects to tackle include:

If a DIY renovation may feel overwhelming, get started with these smaller projects first and work your way to more extensive remodels! And, don’t forget that your home is meant to change and adapt alongside your needs and lifestyle. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with different options and projects, and take your time to create a space that is uniquely tailored to your life goals!

This is a contributed article.

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