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Do you need to create a comfortable office?
The short answer to this question is “yes”, but that wouldn’t make for a very useful or interesting blog post. Instead, let’s delve into why you should create a comfortable office space and how you can do so, whether you’re working from a home office or setting up an office for employees.
Comfort and Productivity
The first thing to consider is how comfort impacts productivity. It doesn’t take long for discomfort to have a negative impact on how productive you are. When you’re in pain or otherwise uncomfortable, you start getting distracted very easily.
The best solution is to create easy ways to relieve your discomfort. So, if you’re thirsty or your employees are thirsty, provide a nearby water source. This stops you from just sitting there getting more thirsty and it prevents headaches that could be easily resolved. You can get handy water coolers from a drop water cooler company, so you don’t have to get up and walk for a mile to get some water.
Some studies have shown that having a break as often as every hour can be beneficial for your productivity, because you can spend the work time completely focused on what you’re doing. But the most important thing is to work out a schedule that works for you, and don’t be afraid to get up and walk around for a few minutes when you find yourself staring at a screen for a while.
Comfort and Safety
Another thing to consider is that discomfort is bad for your health. When your back or neck hurts, it means that you are injuring your body by sitting in a certain way. In the long term, this can lead to health conditions that might prevent you from working or even risk your life.
Depending on the type of work you can do, uncomfortable working conditions can also be unsafe. You need to make sure that work areas are well lit, well arranged, and spacious enough to work comfortably and safely.
Ergonomic Office Spaces
One thing to consider is the type of furniture you use. A lot of office jobs involve sitting at a desk and staring at a screen for hours at a time. As you can imagine, this can get uncomfortable very quickly.
Find a desk and chair setup that works for you and that is comfortable after a long period of time. Make sure the office chair supports your weight properly and allows you to sit up straight.
Ideally, the monitor should be at eye level so you aren’t looking down all the time. It should be a good distance from your face, so make sure it’s large enough to be visible. Multiple monitors can be helpful as well.
Remember, take regular breaks where you get up and stretch your legs. Allow your eyes to unfocus for a while so you can rest them, and don’t be afraid to take a short walk during your lunch break if it helps.