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New Creative Writing Prompts #24

new creative writing prompts

Hello again poets, playwrights, novelists, and flash fiction writers. Here are this week’s new creative writing prompts. If you are new to this and have never used any of my creative writing prompts in the past, then the rules are very simple.

  1. Pick a writing prompt from the selection below. Don’t dwell on it for too long. In fact, close your eyes and pick a number between one and ten and that is the prompt that you will be using today! If you dwell on the prompt for too long, your inner editor will already start ruining things for you, and this is where writer’s block comes from.
  2. Get writing. Write the first things that come into your head. Don’t stop writing, don’t look down. Keep on writing until you get to the end. Write whatever you like. You can write a short story or a poem. Make a film script, or even turn the writing prompt into an essay. This is all about the act of creating more than anything else. Push yourself to do something that you might not normally do.
  3. Link this post whenever and wherever you share your piece. I like to read how these new creative writing prompts end up getting used. If you link your work on your own blog, a link will appear in my comments and others can go and visit your work too. I will from time-to-time be collating all of these pieces in one post, so I may just feature your work.

This week’s new creative writing prompts

  1. The fish told me
  2. The last living tree on earth
  3. Stand by your van
  4. If you don’t want me to destroy you
  5. Satan is my bass player
  6. Equality means…
  7. I got lost on my way home and this happened
  8. It was the worst letter I had ever received
  9. Fuck
  10. There are no words that I can use to describe how I felt, by I am going to try anyway.

So, get your pens out, ink up your typewriter, and get writing. Make sure and remember to enjoy yourself.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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