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Exciting Writing Prompts #25

exciting writing prompts

Are you stuck indoors hiding from the coronavirus and looking for some exciting writing prompts to keep you busy? Well fear not, here are the prompts that you need for your next writing project!

Having a creative challenge might be just what you need to lift your spirits and give you some distraction from the COVID-19 related fear-mongering that is being forced down our throats.

Pandemics that close down mass-gatherings are not a new thing. When the theatres had to close down to stop the spread of the plague in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Shakespeare wrote some of his best works including King Lear. So, why not take this self-isolation as an opportunity to create something excellent? It may even lead to your best work yet!

As always, with any of my writing prompts you can use as many as you like in one piece of writing. You can write in any style, genre, or format that you like.

Please do me a huge favour and place a link to this post somewhere in your piece, so that wherever you post it, I can see it. Feel free to share your piece in my comments section so that my readers can find their way to your writing. And, if you know someone who might enjoy a writing challenge, pass this onto them!

  1. You can take our freedom but you’ll never take our toilet paper
  2. I have an itch in my throat
  3. Standard definition
  4. A lie hiding between a truth
  5. Sequins and stardust
  6. The rampant squaller we used to know
  7. Half the world away
  8. A silent stone sentinel
  9. Bruises that won’t heal
  10. The problem with you is…

Now, pick which of these exciting writing prompts you would like to use and get to it! Your piece won’t write itself (or maybe it will?)

Happy writing one and all!

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

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