Site icon Peter Wyn Mosey

Flashback Friday #7 – Dreaming of Walls

dreaming of walls
flashback friday
Dreaming of Walls

It’s been a while since I last posted a Flashback Friday, however, buoyed by the fact that in the last 48 hours I’ve had more page-views than in the whole of April combined (hello and thank you, new followers!!) I thought I’d share some of my older work.

I have recently been clearing through cupboards and have found notebooks and hard drives that I’m hoping are a trove of old work, but I’m yet to go through this. Instead, today I am going to take you back to some work I posted on the site last year. Some of my newer followers may not have read it; so here it is!

Originally posted here; this is Dreaming of Walls


a personal reality


opinion and emotion


Bought and paid for


Public opinion



Free speech


more valid

than my

free speech.

Forty-three likes.


twelve comments.

makes you right.

Behind your screen

dreaming of walls.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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