Preparing For Childminding Work – A Guide

person making clay figures - Childminding work

This is a contributed post.

It’s easy to think that looking after children in a professional context is a relatively easy field to get into. After all, simply making sure children are safe doesn’t seem like the toughest task on the surface – just keep an eye on them and limit any dangers, right?

Well, of course, it’s a little more complex than that. Even if you find your first job in the local community, as part of your work with the local school or as a step towards your early years teaching qualifications, there are several steps you need to go through.

First, quite rightly, you need to be fully vetted to make sure you’re trustworthy. It’s also important to make certain you have the skills to commit to the job, and clients, however close to you they are, will intend to confirm this. Moreover, childminding is an official position; it’s not just babysitting that teenagers can do. You need to cover the full scope of caring for little ones and do so with a professional cap on.

So, how can you prepare for such work? Let’s discuss the various steps to get started:

Understand Qualifications

While there are many essential qualifications for childminding work, such as pediatric first aid, which can help you save a life, childminding is a mix of official courses and life experience caring for and raising children.

Some courses are also informal. You might learn about child development, safety, and how to plan activities, for example, or specific options, like caregiving for autistic children based on different levels of severity. Even after you’re qualified, there’s always more to pick up when working with kids, so keep your mind open.

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Prepare For A DBS Check

An enhanced DBS check is standard when working with kids for obvious reasons. For the uninitiated, this is a background check to make sure you’re safe to work with children by viewing past convictions or legal infractions. The process can take a few months, so starting early is good. You’ll need to fill out some forms and provide your ID. 

Some employers might ask for an enhanced check, which goes into more detail to make sure your history adds up and you’re not hiding any spent convictions. A conviction might not be an immediate disqualification, but some may bar you from working with children.

If you’re coming back into childminding work after a break, applying for this in advance can give you the documents ready to go.

Get References

Most childminding jobs will want references for obvious reasons, although some clients you’re familiar with may give you a chance. Such references could be from previous work with kids or people who can vouch for you in the community, such as local teachers or child-friendly organizations. If you haven’t worked with children before, think about other experiences that show you’re responsible. 

Maybe you’ve helped with a youth group, looked after younger siblings, or coached a local children’s soccer team. Personal references can work, too – someone who knows you well and can speak to your character, but that’s not enough on its own. Ultimately, you have to accept that even with full references, every single client has the absolute right to decide who they want around their children.

Dress Appropriately

What you wear to work matters when you’re looking after kids. You want to look professional but also be comfortable, practical, and modest.

Clothes that you can move around in easily are worthwhile; you might be sitting on the floor or running around outside to catch an unruly child. Layers can be helpful, too, especially if you will be in and out of the house. Some people like to have a few ‘work outfits’ that they rotate and a spare change of clothes they can wear because sometimes, looking after children is a messy business. It’s also worth thinking about shoes – you want something comfy that you can run in if you need to. 

With this advice, you’ll be sure to ace your first childminding job or return to work with confidence.

Published by Peter Wyn Mosey

Peter Wyn Mosey is a full-time writer living in Llanelli, South Wales, with his wife, dog, and two cats. By day, he provides content, blogger outreach, and ghostwriting across a wide variety of niches and has had hundreds of articles published. He has written and performed comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and has featured on Queen Mobs Tea House, Little Old Lady Comedy, and Robot Butt. He is Editor-In-Chief of The Finest Example and posts most days on

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