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South Wales Copywriter » Baseline


I’ve recently started taking some new medication called Abilify to stabilise my moods. Because I can go from one extreme to the other quite rapidly, I need something that holds me in the centre. I’m now finding out what my baseline actually feels like.


Devoid of the funk of a Bootsy Collins fretboard exploration.

Less prominent that a Flea hook that explodes across the universe.

But thankfully not the drudge the stoic blues rundown.

More than a one note root note three-chord

This baseline is there all the time.

Hidden in the mix.

Simple, subtle, but not entirely dulled.

More Wire than Sting. More Lemmy than Entwistle.

My baseline is a constant.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

11 thoughts on “Baseline”

    1. I got diagnosed with cylothemia about 6 weeks ago (although I’ve had it for years it turns out) , It’s essentially related to/ similar bi polar but with more rapid mood cycles that don’t quite go to the full extremes of Bi polar 1 and 2.

        1. Wow. So far I’m just on one drug. I’ve been on antidepressants in the past, but they seem to make me very erratic and unstable. I tend to think I’m doing great when I’ve been on them- but I do stupid things. These meds seem better but I find I’m completely drained on them.

  1. You may think my response is crazy, but I weened myself off my prescriptions by changing my diet and using essential oils like frankincense and lemon. They gave me energy, focus, I felt good and upbeat, I started exercising, lost weight and slowly weened off the prescriptions. My doctors all agreed the methods worked and supported my decision. I follow a keto diet about 80% of the time and use one or more essential oils a day, mainly peppermint and lemon lately. CBD can also calm the anxiety and it’s legal everywhere.

    1. I don’t think it’s crazy at all. I’m not a huge fan of taking meds for mental health problems. I’ve been using CBD and have used diet and exercise to control my moods in the past. I generally don’t like taking ANY medicines and usually just take B12 supplements (I’m vegan) I am finding that antipsychotics do help me though as I could literally go from suicidal to bouncing off the walls within a couple of hours. Lockdown really brought out the worst of these moods too and thankfully I’ve not had the impulses I was getting since taking these. I know they’re not the only solution, but they’re helping for now. If I was offered antidepressants (again) it would have been a hard no though!

  2. As long as your baseline isn’t the baseline of ‘Under Pressure’ written by ‘nobody knows’ and remixed by Vanilla Ice who just ‘borrowed’ it, you’ll be fine!
    All jokes aside, I wish you well and I hope that Abilify can help you to find that middle ground. I thought that anti-depressants were a no when dealing with bipolar. So I hope that once rightfully diagnosed the right medication can help you.
    Take good care of yourself!

    1. Under Pressure is one of the best basslines written. I forget how awesome John Deacon was as a bass player. You are right, anti depressants are a no go. They sent me all over the place in the past and now I know why.

  3. I don’t do head meds because they really fuck up my ability to fuck lol…so i just deal with my anxiety. it doesn’t last for long stretches and i am never suicidal because death has always been an irrational fear

  4. Oh, I am so glad, Pete, to know that this new medication is working for you and you are feeling more like yourself. The rapid mood swings drain too much energy and take a toll on us, both physically and mentally, for that matter. I hope it gets still better for you. Blessings and wishes!
    Cheers n Take Care 🙂

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