It’s been a while since I last posted any writer’s prompts and I fear I have lost all of my regular contributors. I hope there are still some lurking out there somewhere. Please play along and I’ll try and get back to posting these once a week! The rules: Pick one or more of theContinueContinue reading “Writer’s Prompts #29”
Author Archives: Peter Wyn Mosey
Book Portals- Twenty Word Tuesday
It’s been a while since I’ve set foot on my blog. It’s a bit dusty on here. Sorry for neglecting you all. Here’s a Twenty Word Tuesday as prompted by Bulbul using the prompt “Book Portals” Words forming together to take you to distant lands and different times should never be ignored by you orContinueContinue reading “Book Portals- Twenty Word Tuesday”
Ghost- Twenty Word Tuesday
This is a twenty word Tuesday piece based on Bulbul’s prompt- Ghost. Like smoke slipping through his fingers, he reached for something unobtainable – too late- too far- too tender to even touch, Photo by Pedro Figueras from Pexels
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Electric – Twenty Word Tuesday
This weeks prompt from Bulbul for Twenty Word Tuesday is Electric. She was electric, elected, and eclectic… exuberant, eccentric, and elastic in an ecstatic, static, tacit and ecclesiastic sort of way, Photo by ARUNODHAI VINOD from Pexels Like what you read, please subscribe to updates below!
She sliced slanting glances silently reproaching him although she said something close to nothing no louder than a vacant whisper.
Rejuvenation- Twenty Word Tuesday
Today’s Twenty Word Tuesday based on Bulbul’s prompt is – Rejuvenation Slowly all of yesterday’s shadows melted away and he was able to feel with the fullness of his soul again.
This is a piece based on a Twenty Word Tuesday prompt from Bulbul. The Prompt is ‘Hiding’ All the words that were never said silently clung to the air as he closed his eyes one last time. Photo by Mat Reding from Pexels
Butterfly Effect- Twenty Word Tuesday
Here’s this week’s Twenty-word Tuesday based on Bulbul’s prompt. Today the prompt is Butterfly Effect “The smallest stones” he whispered. “make the biggest waves.” His soft voice echoed like thunder cutting violently through the night. Photo by Emiliano Arano from Pexels
This will all be forgotten in the wink of an eye’ he thought as he flew through the moon’s nose.
Kaleidoscope- Twenty Word Tuesday
I thought I’d give Bulbul’s Twenty Word Tuesday a go. Today’s prompt is Kaleidoscope. We spent our life confined together crashing like flashes of colour and light-chaotic, beautiful, but always dancing and alive. Image by Dmitri Posudin from Pixabay
The Mime Artist
Here’s an autobiographical story about a job I once had. I was not the mime artist in the traditional sense- but I did spend 6 months miming the keyboard for a band. I had been given the keys. I couldn’t play the keys, but I had been given the keys. “How about the bass?” IContinueContinue reading “The Mime Artist”
The Case of the Missing Like Button
For everyone who struggled to like or even comment on my blog over the last four months, it should now be fixed. I had a plugin that compressed photos installed and it was stopping the like function from loading up for some reason! I’m still never sure whether my posts are coming through to people’sContinueContinue reading “The Case of the Missing Like Button”
Llanelli Via Yorkshire
Llanelli Via Yorkshire is a poem about coming home- written as part of a People Speak Up session. Image of Llanelli from Bored in tin towns with thin frowns gathered gossips in small towns small minds everyone knows your name knows your shame for some unknown reason the opposite of cheers I want toContinueContinue reading “Llanelli Via Yorkshire”
The Spaces Between Billions of atoms building blocks cram-packed into nothing into silent gaps into pauses once they were everything and will be again forever and never. Amen Making Space I’ll shut up – so you can speak I’ll budge up – so you can sit I’ll make space- so you can be We cannotContinueContinue reading “Spaces”
Writing Collaboration #19 -Echoes
I heard the words that [passed away in the growing void echo- please stay
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My Face- By MultipleMichael
MultipleMichael has again made me look better than I am, yet again. Go visit his site! Check out his previous versions of me!
Stronger Than Mensa- 25 Years of The Manic Street Preachers’ ‘The Holy Bible’
I was breathless and eighteen, twenty-two years ago, when I first heard the Holy Bible by the Manic Street Preachers. I was three years late to the party that would become the single most significant artistic influence on my life. Hearing the searing chorus of Faster for the first, with the lines “I am, strongerContinueContinue reading “Stronger Than Mensa- 25 Years of The Manic Street Preachers’ ‘The Holy Bible’”
Guest Post- Pilgrimage of a Garden Chair
I’m sharing something a little different today- something which is not my own work. I’d like to showcase the talents of Anisha in the first-ever guest post on this site! Hoping to see some of Anisha’s work on The Finest Example soon! If you’d like to get involved either guest posting here, or providing workContinueContinue reading “Guest Post- Pilgrimage of a Garden Chair”
Writing Prompts #27
For all of you who love a good set of creative writing prompts, I’ve rounded up and caught ten prompts to get your creative juices flowing. If you don’t know the rules, you can use as many of these prompts in your writing as you like. You can create whatever you like too. Write aContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompts #27”
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Split Between Screens and Screams
“Split Between Screens and Screams” is part 5 in a series. It uses the writing prompt “he was a husk of the person he used to be.” 1: Sequins, Stardust, and Rust 2: From a Rainbow to a Tragedy 3: Dead Stars Become Black Holes 4: Another Twinkling God The ‘like’ button doesn’t work outside of WordPressContinueContinue reading “Split Between Screens and Screams”
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Writing Prompts #26
It’s been a while since I last posted any new writing prompts on this page. My apologies to those that regularly used to visit to use the prompts that I used to create. Lockdown hasn’t been the best for my routine, but I’m slowly getting back into things. So, here are some new writing promptsContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompts #26”
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What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia
I was recently diagnosed with Cyclothymia. After my mood severely dropped during the lockdown, and I started getting uncontrollable suicidal thoughts, I ended up having to pay a visit to the NHS crisis team. This, after years of mental health issues, led to some assessments finally being made. But, what is Cyclothymia? Where does itContinueContinue reading “What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia”