Mastering Online Etiquette: Navigating the Digital World with Grace

Recently, I have found that every visit to a social media platform or online forum is distressing. With so much political polarization, it feels like a constant battle between “woke vs. alt-right”. Comments sections are rife with mudslinging and abuse is rife. Online etiquette has taken the backseat. In fact, the problem is so rifeContinueContinue reading “Mastering Online Etiquette: Navigating the Digital World with Grace”

All Hail the Metaverse: How Bleak Does the Future of the Internet Look?

In a real-life bedtime story to his son, the protagonist of Tron Legacy, Kevin Flynn recaps the plotline of the original Tron movie:  “We built a new grid for programs and users. Now, I couldn’t be in there all the time, so I created a program in my own image that could think, like youContinueContinue reading “All Hail the Metaverse: How Bleak Does the Future of the Internet Look?”

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