5 Investment Mistakes You Must Avoid

Some of the worst investment mistakes are easy to make. The excitement of investing can put blinders on, and you can be dazzled by a company or even tempted by temporary high gains. Unrealistic expectations and not accounting for inflation are just a couple, so here’s more. Not Researching Your Managers Some investment companies comeContinueContinue reading “5 Investment Mistakes You Must Avoid”

Is 10 Years Too Long To Lock Away Your Money?

Banks often offer products that ask investors to lock their money away for one, three, or five years. But if you want to get the best returns possible, giving your money to someone else to use for ten years could be the best option.  Long-term loans are really what makes Western civilization possible. Practically everyContinueContinue reading “Is 10 Years Too Long To Lock Away Your Money?”

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