Site icon Peter Wyn Mosey

DAY 30?

Well, I seem to have missed the last day of my writing challenge…I was in Vienna last week and then since coming back I seem to have completely derailed my challenge! I just need one more person to come forward and help me complete my goal, albeit a week or so late!

So come and prompt me! Give me something that I can sink my teeth into! If you have enjoyed a particular piece from the previous 29 days, ask me to write more in that style. Be as instructive or as vague as you like! Come challenge me!

While I have your attention, although I have a huge stack of emails full of collaboration challenges, I am happy to receive more – even if I end up with a years worth of posts in my inbox! I’ll be posting about two or three pieces per week from those, so if you have sent me a piece and you haven’t seen it go up yet, I won’t have forgotten you.

Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay

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