5 Lazy Vegan Meals for When You Have No Spoons

Living a vegan lifestyle is not only beneficial for the environment and animal welfare but also for your overall health. However, we all have those days when we lack the energy or time to cook elaborate meals. That’s where lazy vegan meals come to the rescue! These quick and easy recipes will help you stayContinueContinue reading “5 Lazy Vegan Meals for When You Have No Spoons”

8 Common vegan myths- busted!

There are lots of common vegan myths and preconceptions. Many of these can be unhelpful or assumptive. Some may come from a place of concern, which is fine and understandable. Some come from the meat and dairy industry, worried about a dent in their trade. But some of the most prevalent vegan myths are justContinueContinue reading “8 Common vegan myths- busted!”

6 Top Tips For Becoming Vegan

Veganism is on the rise. With many people wanting to switch to a meat-free plant-based diet for environmental reasons, many big companies have started to wake up to the demand. There has never been such a great time to go vegan. Supermarkets and restaurants have really upped their game in the last couple of years and have started to offer a much better range for vegans.

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