Spiral Jetty

spiral jetty

Spiral Jetty is a piece of art by Robert Smithson. I bring it up here because I am currently half way through the first draft of ‘Three Miles to the Horizon‘. Throughout the play, time and space seem to be big themes.

Sharon suggested today that I could maybe do some visual research (normally my research tends to involve lots of reading, googling, film and documentary watching, music listening, and musing). Today I found these images which I really like, I am not sure how they will affect or influence my work, but I thought I might share them here.

They’re a lot like the types of doodles I tend to draw in the back of my notebooks though. Like the windmills in my mind…

They all fit the theme of being lost at sea. These spirals could send anyone into a state of madness and leave you feeling completely lost. 

Here are the late, great JG Ballard’s thoughts on this amazing work of art: 

“What cargo might have berthed at the Spiral Jetty?….My guess is that the cargo was a clock, of a very special kind. In their way, all clocks are labyrinths, and can be risky to enter.” (JG Ballard in conversation with Tacita Dean about Robert Smithson’s ‘Spiral Jetty’- The Guardian 27.04.10)

Be sure to check out the other posts relating to Three Miles to the Horizon! :


spiral jetty
spiral jetty
spiral jetty
spiral jetty
spiral jetty

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Published by Peter Wyn Mosey

Peter Wyn Mosey is a full-time writer living in Llanelli, South Wales, with his wife, dog, and two cats. By day, he provides content, blogger outreach, and ghostwriting across a wide variety of niches and has had hundreds of articles published. He has written and performed comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and has featured on Queen Mobs Tea House, Little Old Lady Comedy, and Robot Butt. He is Editor-In-Chief of The Finest Example and posts most days on https://peterwynmosey.com

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