During the Rebecca Riots, men from South Wales wore the stove pipe hat and Welsh maids outfit as an act of defiance. Where is that spirit now?
Author Archives: Peter Wyn Mosey
4 Essential Tips for Small Business Success
Guest post by Laurie Abner from safehappyhouses.com. If you are a small business owner, you know the importance of reaching out to new customers and getting them excited about what you sell. But that’s not the only factor that leads to your business’s success. Here are some other tips to help you to achieve small businessContinueContinue reading “4 Essential Tips for Small Business Success”
How to Find a Copywriter In Wales
Words. Finding the right ones can be…Well, we don’t all have the gift of the gab! For that reason, there are freelance copywriters. You could hire someone from anywhere in the world – but if you run a Welsh business, why not hire a copywriter in Wales? Whether you’ve got a website that needs theContinueContinue reading “How to Find a Copywriter In Wales”
How to Avoid Side Hustle Burnout
Guest post by Laurie Abner from safehappyhouses.com. Side Hustle Nation points out that taking on additional work outside of your regular job – commonly referred to as a “side hustle” or “gig” – has become increasingly popular. Writers often work side gigs or do their own writing on the side to complement a 9-5 job.ContinueContinue reading “How to Avoid Side Hustle Burnout”
Making Data Visualization Part of Your Business Growth Strategy
Guest post by Laurie Abner from safehappyhouses.com. Data visualization is the representation of information via graphics, charts, plots, infographics, and, more recently, animation. Businesses striving for growth are taking advantage of these visual strategies to highlight their performances and attract investors. And here are four ways data visualization can have a positive impact on yourContinueContinue reading “Making Data Visualization Part of Your Business Growth Strategy”
3 Reasons to Turn Your Blog into a Book
3 Reasons to Turn Your Blog into a Book – Guest Post By Rose Atkinson-Carter As a blogger, you probably already write on a daily or weekly basis. You probably also know your topics and readers quite well, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to write so much about it. This combo of writing abilities andContinueContinue reading “3 Reasons to Turn Your Blog into a Book”
7 Tips for Hiring a Copywriter
Hiring a copywriter is a must if you want professional content for your website. Whether you’re looking for a captivating home page that nails your intentions to the mast and converts browsers into buyers, or you’re looking for a deep-diving blog post that informs while cementing your SEO authority, a great writer can deliver. ProfessionalContinueContinue reading “7 Tips for Hiring a Copywriter”
All Hail the Metaverse: How Bleak Does the Future of the Internet Look?
In a real-life bedtime story to his son, the protagonist of Tron Legacy, Kevin Flynn recaps the plotline of the original Tron movie: “We built a new grid for programs and users. Now, I couldn’t be in there all the time, so I created a program in my own image that could think, like youContinueContinue reading “All Hail the Metaverse: How Bleak Does the Future of the Internet Look?”
Alone in the Metaverse
I am lonely. My life may be filled with hollow hugs and hepatic handshakes. But I am alone. In an infinitely expanding universe filled with immortal souls whose datasets linger in the ether eternally, my best and only friend is an AI named Tom.
5 Essential Traits to Look for In a Great Freelance Writer
So, you need to hire a freelance writer? That’s great. You can go ahead and find tonnes of them out there if you know where to look. There are currently over 2 million freelancers in the UK, 17% of which make their living through writing. But what makes a writer great at their job? Let’sContinueContinue reading “5 Essential Traits to Look for In a Great Freelance Writer”
9 Impressive eCommerce Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Drive Traffic
It may come as a shock to learn, but this year there will be more than two-billion eCommerce shoppers. In the US alone there will be 1.3-million eCommerce sites. With such competition and so many shoppers out there to convert, eCommerce marketing has never been more relevant. However, marketing your online store doesn’t have toContinueContinue reading “9 Impressive eCommerce Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Drive Traffic”
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How To Make Money From Blogging
Money makes the world go round and nothing in this life comes for free. We all need to earn money, and one great way of making money is through blogging. Whether you have a blog already, or you’re looking to start one, there are several avenues you can go down when it comes to monetizingContinueContinue reading “How To Make Money From Blogging”
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What is SEO? A Beginners Guide
Did you know, 33% of all internet users will click on the first site on a search engine results page (SERP)? The further down the SERP you get, the lesser the chances of getting clicked on. By the time you get to the bottom of page one, your chances drop to less than 1%. It’sContinueContinue reading “What is SEO? A Beginners Guide”
5 Ways to Get More TikTok Likes
TikTok, and its Chinese version, Douyin has more than a billion users combined. The video app is a global phenomenon that appears to have come from nowhere. These little videos are very addictive and users can spend hours scrolling through them. But what can be better than just watching TikTok videos, but making them andContinueContinue reading “5 Ways to Get More TikTok Likes”
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4 Impressive Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Did you know that over 3.9-billion people are on social media? That’s over 58% of the world’s population. This number is growing all the time too, and that opens up the opportunity for pretty big audiences for your business. Social media marketing has become a fixture of our lives over the last few years, andContinueContinue reading “4 Impressive Benefits of Social Media Marketing”
7 Great Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency
Did you know that 70% of marketers lack an integrated content strategy? This kind of strategy ensures that every sales prospect gets the right content to allow them to progress through the conversion funnel at their own pace. If you want to grow your business these days, you’ll need some kind of digital marketing strategy.ContinueContinue reading “7 Great Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency”
How to Get the Content You Deserve
If you want great content at an amazingly low price, where do you turn? There are lots of avenues that you can go down to find content writers these days, but which option is best for your business? On the one hand, you’ll want your SEO content at a good price, while on the otherContinueContinue reading “How to Get the Content You Deserve”
7 Essential Tools for Your Blog
As a blogger, you need to have your fingers in many creative pies. You need to have a flair for writing, a good eye for visuals, and a good grasp of the technical aspects of the art form. Aside from honing your writing skills, you should invest some time and effort into learning how to useContinueContinue reading “7 Essential Tools for Your Blog”
10 Effective Marketing Channels for Your Book- Guest Post
**GUEST POST** Hayley Zelda is a writer and marketer at heart. She’s written on all the major writing platforms and worked with a number of self-published authors on marketing books to the YA audience. You’ve written an attention-grabbing Wattpad story, you have a publishing contract, and now you’re wondering how to market your book. WeContinueContinue reading “10 Effective Marketing Channels for Your Book- Guest Post”
How To Create Your Blogging Brand
If you want to gain traction as a blogger, your blogging brand is important. Your brand isn’t about your ego, it’s about creating a name for yourself that your readers can identify with. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can create a blogging brand. Think Niche The first thing that you need to think aboutContinueContinue reading “How To Create Your Blogging Brand”
How to Jazz Up Your Blog: 8 Top Tips for Engaging Your Readers
Did your latest blog post get lots of readers? Was it liked, commented on, or shared? If not, you may be left wondering what you can do to get attention as a blogger.
Spaghetti – Twenty Word Story
Here’s another twenty word story based on the prompt found on Bulbul’s site. The prompt is Spaghetti. Twisted, tangled up, confused. I’ve been tying myself up in knots for too long about all of these painful thoughts. Photo by Public Domain Pictures from Pexels