What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia

I was recently diagnosed with Cyclothymia. After my mood severely dropped during the lockdown, and I started getting uncontrollable suicidal thoughts, I ended up having to pay a visit to the NHS crisis team. This, after years of mental health issues, led to some assessments finally being made. But, what is Cyclothymia? Where does itContinueContinue reading “What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia”

8 Common vegan myths- busted!

There are lots of common vegan myths and preconceptions. Many of these can be unhelpful or assumptive. Some may come from a place of concern, which is fine and understandable. Some come from the meat and dairy industry, worried about a dent in their trade. But some of the most prevalent vegan myths are justContinueContinue reading “8 Common vegan myths- busted!”

Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt

This was the first piece of writing that I had published somewhere other than my on own blog that had a byline. The piece was published by Robot Butt and is called “If you can’t be nice, shop online or risk the downfall of society.”I probably write in excess of 50 articles in my work,ContinueContinue reading “Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt”

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