A Long Overdue (Long) Update

I’ve just changed the theme of my page for the third or forth time in a month. A productive waste of time! Each time I have changed the theme, I have thought ‘I should write some blog’, but I never have anything to say! So, I’ll just change the theme on the blog that noContinueContinue reading “A Long Overdue (Long) Update”

Three Miles to the Horizon

Here is an excerpt from my current work in progress, feel free to take the time to give me any feedback you may have on this. Thanks. Three Miles to the Horizon I am three miles from the horizon. There are 140 million square miles of ocean on this planet. Saltwater covers 71% of the Earth’s surface.ContinueContinue reading “Three Miles to the Horizon”

Spiral Jetty

Spiral Jetty is a piece of art by Robert Smithson. I bring it up here because I am currently half way through the first draft of ‘Three Miles to the Horizon’. Throughout the play, time and space seem to be big themes. Sharon suggested today that I could maybe do some visual research (normally myContinueContinue reading “Spiral Jetty”

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