As the internet creaks with lockdown fueled conspiracy theories with racist connotations, and we have to endure jokes about kung-flu, it really does remind me that you can believe what you want, but it doesn’t make it the truth. So, here’s a poem I wrote based on all of the bile I feel towards people who think that it’s okay to be racist towards Chinese people just because they have formed their own opinion of what happened in Wuhan.
I’m hoping to put this to music this week and attempt to perform it. Wish me luck!
you can believe what want but it doesn’t make it the truth– a poem by peter wyn mosey
Another armchair assassin
steps back beyond bygone mentalities
to become cardboard cutout conspirators
divulging declassified documents
entrenched between ego and entertainment
on Facebook; forming fictions
of grand gargantuan generalized
horror stories harnessing our hate,
Indignation, intolerance, and idiocy.
Just jolly jokes –
Not Ku- Klux Kung-flu
love letters of loathing
more morose meanings drive our
narrow-minded Narratives. Nudging
over our ordered society of
petrified people clinging pedantically
to quarantined questions of quasi-
Realism. Really? Rest-assured –
someone somewhere saw it
with their own tiny thought filled-eyes
under untied untruths
vicariously with visions vilifying
Wuhan through western words and
like xeroxed lies or x-rayed cries of xenophobia
YouTubed, yearning and hurtling toward your oblivion
zephyred into zealous zombies-
You can believe what you want
but it doesn’t make it the truth
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
i believe you nailed the truth 😉
So nicely done, Pete! It is very true, people have a very distraught sense of right and wrong. This piece is very powerful with a strong message.
me like. continue…
Well stated with beautiful turns of phrase.
Thank you Heather 🙂
I think your poem shows that well thought out social commentary is the only valid expression of feelings.Also that blog posts that have to be sought out have dignity.
Thank you for your very kind words!
We forget how subjective our opinions really are.
This is the poem I needed today. My favourite rhetoric is the “China unleashed a deadly virus but it’s all a hoax so I don’t have to stay inside or take precautions from the deadly virus that’s killing people because of China.” It’s a wonder they don’t get whiplash.
So very true!!!!
Very cleverly written my friend!
Loved it 👍🖤
Diolch 🙂
Like in the song…”One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch”
To blame the whole for one infected part is not justice.
Healing the infected part… that is the compassion of justice.