Spiral Jetty

Spiral Jetty is a piece of art by Robert Smithson. I bring it up here because I am currently half way through the first draft of ‘Three Miles to the Horizon’. Throughout the play, time and space seem to be big themes. Sharon suggested today that I could maybe do some visual research (normally myContinueContinue reading “Spiral Jetty”

Teignmouth Electron.

Teignmouth Electron Taken in 1999, this is Donald Crowhurst’s Trimaran ‘Teignmouth Electron’ from Tacita Dean’s work -Disappearance at Sea At 7:50am on 10th July 1969, Teignmouth Electron was found floating, empty,  in calm waters in the mid-Atlantic in the shipping lanes between Europe and the Caribbean.  The life raft was still lashed in place, thereContinueContinue reading “Teignmouth Electron.”

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