The Sun

A found poem – any words and opinions are certainly not my own- they are in fact the views of the fine and upstanding readers of The Sun newspaper in the UK in response to the existence of Jeremy Corbyn

The reason most ppl

voted to leave the eu

is because we became

flooded with migrants.

The bloke is a complete

and utter knob

he needs assassinated…

job done !!

This man has just signed

his own death warrant

More parasites

for the working man to look after…


One of the smallest countries

and this Moran wants to bring more people in!

What an absolute noddy!!!!

Put me in charge

I’ll sort this country out

We all already full you muppet

I am proud to be British

but Britain is not British

Hitmans a good game

We can’t afford

to keep letting people in

we’re only an island

Image by José Manuel de Laá from Pixabay

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Published by Peter Wyn Mosey

Peter Wyn Mosey is a full-time writer living in Llanelli, South Wales, with his wife, dog, and two cats. By day, he provides content, blogger outreach, and ghostwriting across a wide variety of niches and has had hundreds of articles published. He has written and performed comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and has featured on Queen Mobs Tea House, Little Old Lady Comedy, and Robot Butt. He is Editor-In-Chief of The Finest Example and posts most days on

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