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DAY 10- 30 Day Writing Challenge

Her footsteps crunching through crisp autumn leaves beat in time to the thud of her heart and the rasp of her breath. The rhythm grew pace as she corned the outer rim of the dusk soaked forest. She had left leaving too late, and now panic was in for the night.

DAY 7- 30 Day Writing Challenge

I have a cloudy memory but I’ve always been drowning in cotton candy words. I tried to put my finger on what I needed to say, only to end up adrift, or worse; shooting the messenger. Nothing was ever shipshape and Bristol fashion, and so often I would beat a dead horse.


This is an excerpt from a theatre piece that I wrote a few years ago. I am hoping to get this into production with a new theatre company later in the year. You can read more from the same piece here. ACT 1 The stage is dark. A casket or box towards the rear of… Read More »Pied

Brave New World

‘The shortest story is six words. Largely attributed to Ernest Hemingway. The longest is Artemene by Georges De Scudery. It’s One million nine hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred words’

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