Flashback Friday#1- Three Miles To The Horizon

I, the cosmic mind have explored the labyrinths of the sea.
I have counted and measured the waves and explored the depths.
I have counted the grains of sand on the shores of the time.
I am the quantifier of all human life.

Three Miles to the Horizon

Here is an excerpt from my current work in progress, feel free to take the time to give me any feedback you may have on this. Thanks. Three Miles to the Horizon I am three miles from the horizon. There are 140 million square miles of ocean on this planet. Saltwater covers 71% of the Earth’s surface.ContinueContinue reading “Three Miles to the Horizon”

Spiral Jetty

Spiral Jetty is a piece of art by Robert Smithson. I bring it up here because I am currently half way through the first draft of ‘Three Miles to the Horizon’. Throughout the play, time and space seem to be big themes. Sharon suggested today that I could maybe do some visual research (normally myContinueContinue reading “Spiral Jetty”

iLiKETRAiNS- The Deception

Again, I am looking at how the themes of the Donald Crowhurst story have been used previously. Here is a song from the band iLiKETRAiNS called The Deception, and its lyrics below… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TwvBsoWpQ8] They said it couldn’t be done And so it seems I proved them all wrong In spite of them I have becomeContinueContinue reading “iLiKETRAiNS- The Deception”

Teignmouth Electron.

Teignmouth Electron Taken in 1999, this is Donald Crowhurst’s Trimaran ‘Teignmouth Electron’ from Tacita Dean’s work -Disappearance at Sea At 7:50am on 10th July 1969, Teignmouth Electron was found floating, empty,  in calm waters in the mid-Atlantic in the shipping lanes between Europe and the Caribbean.  The life raft was still lashed in place, thereContinueContinue reading “Teignmouth Electron.”

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