The Mime Artist

Here’s an autobiographical story about a job I once had. I was not the mime artist in the traditional sense- but I did spend 6 months miming the keyboard for a band. I had been given the keys. I couldn’t play the keys, but I had been given the keys. “How about the bass?” IContinueContinue reading “The Mime Artist”

Llanelli Via Yorkshire

Llanelli Via Yorkshire is a poem about coming home- written as part of a People Speak Up session. Image of Llanelli from Bored in tin towns with thin frowns gathered gossips in small towns small minds everyone knows your name knows your shame for some unknown reason the opposite of cheers I want toContinueContinue reading “Llanelli Via Yorkshire”

Guest Post- Pilgrimage of a Garden Chair

I’m sharing something a little different today- something which is not my own work. I’d like to showcase the talents of Anisha in the first-ever guest post on this site! Hoping to see some of Anisha’s work on The Finest Example soon! If you’d like to get involved either guest posting here, or providing workContinueContinue reading “Guest Post- Pilgrimage of a Garden Chair”

Writing Prompts #27

For all of you who love a good set of creative writing prompts, I’ve rounded up and caught ten prompts to get your creative juices flowing. If you don’t know the rules, you can use as many of these prompts in your writing as you like. You can create whatever you like too. Write aContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompts #27”

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Split Between Screens and Screams

“Split Between Screens and Screams” is part 5 in a series. It uses the writing prompt “he was a husk of the person he used to be.” 1: Sequins, Stardust, and Rust 2: From a Rainbow to a Tragedy 3: Dead Stars Become Black Holes 4: Another Twinkling God The ‘like’ button doesn’t work outside of WordPressContinueContinue reading “Split Between Screens and Screams”

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Writing Prompts #26

It’s been a while since I last posted any new writing prompts on this page. My apologies to those that regularly used to visit to use the prompts that I used to create. Lockdown hasn’t been the best for my routine, but I’m slowly getting back into things. So, here are some new writing promptsContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompts #26”

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What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia

I was recently diagnosed with Cyclothymia. After my mood severely dropped during the lockdown, and I started getting uncontrollable suicidal thoughts, I ended up having to pay a visit to the NHS crisis team. This, after years of mental health issues, led to some assessments finally being made. But, what is Cyclothymia? Where does itContinueContinue reading “What is Cyclothymia? My Experience of Cyclothymia”


I’ve recently started taking some new medication called Abilify to stabilise my moods. Because I can go from one extreme to the other quite rapidly, I need something that holds me in the centre. I’m now finding out what my baseline actually feels like. Baseline. Devoid of the funk of a Bootsy Collins fretboard exploration.ContinueContinue reading “Baseline”

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Finding Your Mojo: 6 Ways To Erase Writer’s Block

There’s nothing worse than a blank page. You sit down to write and all you see is emptiness staring back at you. If you experience writer’s block, you’re not alone. We all do at some point. But what can you do when all the words you want to say escape you? How do you fill theContinueContinue reading “Finding Your Mojo: 6 Ways To Erase Writer’s Block”

Spoken Word Saturday #2

As part of this month’s Peoplespeakup Spoken Word Saturday lockdown non-gathering I submitted a video of me reading “You can believe what you want but it doesn’t make it the truth” I’d love it if you checked it out. PeopleSpeakUp is a Llanelli-based social arts, health and well-being enterprise. They run story-telling groups and hostContinueContinue reading “Spoken Word Saturday #2”

That’s When I See You

Here’s a very short poem called “That’s when I see you” that I wrote for this week’s Peoplespeakup. I’m not a very good listener. I am not very good at paying attention. But it is a skill that I want to learn. How good are you at seeing and hearing other people? What advice wouldContinueContinue reading “That’s When I See You”

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Another Twinkling God

Another Twinkling God is part four in a flash fiction series. It follows on from: Part 1: Sequins, Stardust, and Rust Part 2: From a Rainbow to a Tragedy Part 3: Dead Stars Become Black Holes If you’d like to give me a writing prompt for a future part, I’d love to try and work in anythingContinueContinue reading “Another Twinkling God”

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Physical Education

Physical Education I don’t often write autobiographical pieces, but thought I’d purge in literary form. I have a lot of memories of physical education, this one sticks with me the most. The out of tune cellos had faded into the evaporating rain. We were on the pitted concrete pitch penned in like caged beasts. IContinueContinue reading “Physical Education”

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The Invisible Strings

The Invisible Strings Here’s a very short poem that I wrote in a PeopleSpeakUp Zoom workshop today. It’s a bit different from my normal style. I hope you all enjoy it! I wonder many things like- how does the moon hide the invisible strings to pull the tide? Or- how the great sky runs onContinueContinue reading “The Invisible Strings”

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Dead Stars Become Black Holes

Dead Stars Become Black Holes Part 3 of this flash fiction series “Dead Stars Become Black Holes” uses the prompt “this will ruin everything,” as given to me by Aspasía S. Bissas. Part 1: Sequins, Stardust, and Rust Part 2: From a Rainbow to a Tragedy If you’d like to provide a prompt for aContinueContinue reading “Dead Stars Become Black Holes”

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There. is. nothing. Hours. days. weeks. Nothing. Thoughtless voids of calming drought. Scratching. Nothing. Scratching. Scratching at the words that flow fast and free bouncing joy from the skies the rainbow the line at the edge of forever. Sonic with invincibility. I’m the infinite lives hack. My thoughts are so strong you cannot touch meContinueContinue reading “Cyclothymia”

From a Rainbow to a Tragedy

From a Rainbow to a Tragedy carries on from yesterday’s Sequin’s, Stardust, and Rust (Since Nat wanted more). If anyone wants more, I can continue…let me know! From a Rainbow to a Tragedy In life, he’d been a rainbow, but in death, his life was spun into tragedy. Blackened. The rush to review his lyricsContinueContinue reading “From a Rainbow to a Tragedy”

Flashback Friday #7 – Dreaming of Walls

Dreaming of Walls It’s been a while since I last posted a Flashback Friday, however, buoyed by the fact that in the last 48 hours I’ve had more page-views than in the whole of April combined (hello and thank you, new followers!!) I thought I’d share some of my older work. I have recently beenContinueContinue reading “Flashback Friday #7 – Dreaming of Walls”

Nowhere More Familiar

Nowhere More Familiar There is nowhere more familiar than 96 pixels per inch — than 26 lines of acid ruled, A5 pages, blank. These voids used to fill me with dread — but the blank page this soulless empty is the space I know best Just a quick one-minute poem about my appreciation of theContinueContinue reading “Nowhere More Familiar”

Sequins, Stardust and Rust

Sequins, Stardust, and Rust It was just sequins and stardust and rust that sputtered from the dead singer’s mouth. No more words. Twenty-seven and finally ticking the last cliche off the checklist before heading to the great gig in the sky. Dead on stage for the world to see. Dead on stage for the tik-tokContinueContinue reading “Sequins, Stardust and Rust”

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