Christmas Writing Challenge #14

The Leap Christmas Christmas comes but once a year. But when it starts getting too much for Fran and Ed, they decide to start skipping every other year. But as they start watching everyone else’s Christmas starting to take shape how will they deal with the fear of missing out? Or will they just caveContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #14”

Christmas Writing Challenge #13

The Christmas Toy Siege When he forgets Christmas, Ted has to rush to get all the gifts bought in time. But the world seems to conspire against him. Problems at work, queuing traffic, and terrible weather all conspire against him. Worn out and desperate , Ted arrives late to the mall. Just as he startsContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #13”

Christmas Writing Challenge #12

The Christmas King When Eglebert IV, the ice king announces that he is to marry on Christmas day the atmosphere in his kingdom becomes electric with excitement. But when a sleazy newspaper gets hold of a kiss-and-tell story about the bride-to-be, all is not well in the kingdom and on Christmas he freezes the entireContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #12”

Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt

This was the first piece of writing that I had published somewhere other than my on own blog that had a byline. The piece was published by Robot Butt and is called “If you can’t be nice, shop online or risk the downfall of society.”I probably write in excess of 50 articles in my work,ContinueContinue reading “Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt”

Christmas Writing Challenge #10

The Christmas Cowboy Christmas was over. For good this time. Nobody believed in Santa anymore and all of the festive spirit in the world had been replaced with corporate greed. Santa got so disheartened with humanity on his latest round of present giving, he ended up stopped in his tracks. Alone in a McDonald’s inContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #10”

Christmas Writing Challenge #9

Midnight Mass It’s the night before Christmas and terrorists with fake German accents have taken control of an office block in the heart of a big city. The night watchman, half-drunk and dressed in a torn santa suit, is the only thing that is stopping the terrorists from causing more havoc. With only mince piesContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #9”

The Songs That Made Us #2 Brighton Rock- Queen

Let’s go way back to the first CD I ever bought. I was 13. It was 1993. I had just had my first CD hi-fi, a tower unit with record player, CD player, and double cassette deck. I was excited. Most of the music I owned before this was on cassette with the exception ofContinueContinue reading “The Songs That Made Us #2 Brighton Rock- Queen”

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Christmas Writing Challenge #8

The Nativity Movie Mary is pregnant. She does not remember when it happened. But she is. And now she must do something about. Joe is a slacker. No job to speak of and no life goals. But when he finds out that his sort-of girlfriend is expecting, he decides that he needs to make good.ContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #8”

Christmas Writing Challenge #7

So, I seem to have missed a few days worth of posts this week. In fact, I appear to have missed the whole week! I’ve been crazily busy with stacks-and-stacks of work and life, as well as mourning the death of political reason as the UK shot itself in the face by voting in drovesContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #7”

Christmas Writing Challenge #6

Christmas is Cancelled After a grueling December election, the sitting government win power again. But, if spending the last few years ruining the lives of the poor wasn’t enough, in their winning speech the heartless prime minister announces that they are cancelling Christmas. The leader of the opposition, a lovely old man with a whiteContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #6”

Christmas Writing Challenge #5

Santa Clones The Movie As Christmas comes once more, Santa gets his sleigh loaded and hits the open skies. But when he lands in downtown Brooklyn he finds that he’s been beaten to it. A new, faster Santa has been doing the rounds ahead of him. In a race against the clock, Santa tracks downContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #5”

Christmas Writing Challenge #4

Follow my blog with Bloglovin The Christmas Thief When a small town shoplifter finds himself locked in a cell three days before Christmas is offered the opportunity to make a mends by playing Santa in the local hospital’s Christmas festivities, he sees the opportunity to pull the ultimate seasonal heist. Eyeing the presents on theContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #4”

Automatic Writing #3

Why then six sick sink hole sized faces in the night do we the undersigned under sighs of silent night tears- tear apart this wretched soulless soul until tills ring out in triumphant terror the dawning of a dead age of aged lime- wire cauterising the silenced humanity that falls out face-first into the scorchedContinueContinue reading “Automatic Writing #3”

Flashback Friday #4- The Mime Artist

Sharing an old short story this week which is based on a job that I had about 18 years ago! I once spent an entire summer miming keyboards for a cabaret band that I had previously worked as a roadie for. I was ‘The Mime Artist’ It ranks in the top ten strangest ways thatContinueContinue reading “Flashback Friday #4- The Mime Artist”

‘Where Is The 2019 Red Wedge’ – On Queen Mob’s Teahouse Happy to see that another article that I wrote about The Red Wedge, UK politics, and music was featured on the international literary journal ‘Queen Mob’s Teahouse’ Please go and read it. And, if you are in UK, vote. And also, if at all possible, please vote out the Tory scum next Thursday. ThatContinueContinue reading “‘Where Is The 2019 Red Wedge’ – On Queen Mob’s Teahouse”

Christmas Writing Challenge #3

The Man Who Came To Stay For Christmas Twas the night before Christmas and Princess Clarissa was all alone in her castle. Another year had gone by without a prince to come and marry her. But a horrid snowstorm was brewing and with it, the bitter winter winds brought a strange unconscious man to herContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #3”

Christmas Writing Challenge #2

Grumpy The Christmas Elf Grumpy was an elf who hated Christmas. He was the slowest of all of the toy-making elves in the North Pole, and after three warnings, Santa sacked him. The first unemployed elf ever found himself out of a job, and out of cheer. He moved around from town-to-town getting grouchier andContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #2”

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