New Creative Writing Prompts #24

Hello again poets, playwrights, novelists, and flash fiction writers. Here are this week’s new creative writing prompts. If you are new to this and have never used any of my creative writing prompts in the past, then the rules are very simple. Pick a writing prompt from the selection below. Don’t dwell on it forContinueContinue reading “New Creative Writing Prompts #24”

3 Awesome Writing prompts #22

Today’s 3 awesome writing prompts! The rules as always are that you need to link this post when you share your piece. Other than that, write whatever you want! Don’t dwell on the blank page for too long. In fact, don’t dwell on it at all. Start throwing words at the page and see whatContinueContinue reading “3 Awesome Writing prompts #22”

Writing Prompt #19

Today’s prompts are here! Use them however you please, just be sure and tag this post when you use it! He used to bet on pantomime horsesI want to be better than a monkey The picture could also be used too if you like! Good luck and enjoy the writing!

Submissions- We Need You!

The Finest Example needs your help! We need POETRY We need FICTION of all lengths! We need ART And we need Non Fiction articles about anything else! If you have a piece that you’d like to submit, we’re happy to receive it. The new email address for submissions is : [email protected]

‘The Finest Example’ Is Live

The Finest Example is officially live. Please give it a visit, and if you like what you see, please follow and share any of the work. I’d love to build a community where writers and artists can contribute and give each other a leg up, so it would mean a lot if any of you that regularly pop in could help the site and the early contributors out with your support.

Writing Collaboration #16- Passing By

She saw him. She hadn’t been expecting it. He was walking along the street, hands in his coat pockets, face turned up to the bright autumn sun. He looked happy. Happier than anyone should look. Happier than anyone had a right to in this world.

Writing Prompt #17

Happy new year to creative writers and readers everywhere! Here are your first writing prompts for this brand spanking new year. Please make sure that you link this post if you use any of these creative writing prompts so that other writers can have a go, and so we can all see your amazing pieces.ContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompt #17”

Submissions Wanted for A New Site- Who’s In?

I am toying with an idea. It’s not the most original idea in the world, I want to create and curate a new site for writers and artists. I want to fill it with great works and make sure that the original writer gets the credit for it. Submissions are wanted! The idea is toContinueContinue reading “Submissions Wanted for A New Site- Who’s In?”

Writing Prompts 2019: The Stars

I started posting writing prompts a couple of months ago after enjoying writing based on prompts given to me by others in my 2019 30 Day Writing Challenge. Here is a rundown of all of the stars who have tackled my 2019 writing prompts! I’ve always been someone that needs a slight jumping-off point whenContinueContinue reading “Writing Prompts 2019: The Stars”

Goodbye 2019

2019 should not even be here yet, let alone be going already. It barely feels like two minutes ago we were worried about Millennium bugs and following Prince’s party instructions. But it’s been twenty years. And now we must stay goodbye to 2019. So, 2020 is here next week. A new space-age decade of flying carsContinueContinue reading “Goodbye 2019”

Christmas Writing Challenge #14

The Leap Christmas Christmas comes but once a year. But when it starts getting too much for Fran and Ed, they decide to start skipping every other year. But as they start watching everyone else’s Christmas starting to take shape how will they deal with the fear of missing out? Or will they just caveContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #14”

Christmas Writing Challenge #13

The Christmas Toy Siege When he forgets Christmas, Ted has to rush to get all the gifts bought in time. But the world seems to conspire against him. Problems at work, queuing traffic, and terrible weather all conspire against him. Worn out and desperate , Ted arrives late to the mall. Just as he startsContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #13”

Christmas Writing Challenge #12

The Christmas King When Eglebert IV, the ice king announces that he is to marry on Christmas day the atmosphere in his kingdom becomes electric with excitement. But when a sleazy newspaper gets hold of a kiss-and-tell story about the bride-to-be, all is not well in the kingdom and on Christmas he freezes the entireContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #12”

Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt

This was the first piece of writing that I had published somewhere other than my on own blog that had a byline. The piece was published by Robot Butt and is called “If you can’t be nice, shop online or risk the downfall of society.”I probably write in excess of 50 articles in my work,ContinueContinue reading “Flashback Friday #5- If You Can’t Be Nice, Shop Online or Risk the Downfall of Society | Robot Butt”

Christmas Writing Challenge #10

The Christmas Cowboy Christmas was over. For good this time. Nobody believed in Santa anymore and all of the festive spirit in the world had been replaced with corporate greed. Santa got so disheartened with humanity on his latest round of present giving, he ended up stopped in his tracks. Alone in a McDonald’s inContinueContinue reading “Christmas Writing Challenge #10”

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