From Multiple Michael’s Blog!
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DAY 21 – 30 Day Writing Challenge
When we live in a world where satellites can find us with pinpoint accuracy; why do we feel so lost?
30 Day Writing Challenge
I’ve only got another 13 days of this challenge. I’d love to hear your prompts! If you’ve given me a challenge to do already, you can give me another if you like. Any that I don’t get to do this time round may get used at a later date 🙂
30 Day Writing Challenge
I need YOUR help!!
Speed Reading
The world record for most words read per minute was set by Stephen Berg and stands at twenty-five thousand words per minute.
The King James Bible
The King James bible has seven hundred and sixty-three thousand, one hundred and thirty-seven words. Between March the fourth two thousand and two and March the fifth two thousand and two, I read for forty one hours and twenty three minutes. No sleep. No food. I used the toilet twice.

Word Count
There is no Dewy Decimal system here. These books are not sorted by genre or author. They are not arranged by colour or size. I would never sort anything by date of publication, or date of anything else for that matter.
The Mime Artist
I had been given the keys. I couldn’t play the keys, but I had been given the keys.
From the Depths
Was trawling through through the depths of my writing folder today, looking at half finished scripts and long forgotten ideas that lurk in there. Found these early experiments for Al and Ned’s Balding Fringe promotional stuff.
Sky Edge- Progress
On Saturday, I was fortunate to have the opening on the first draft of my current project read by a great bunch of actors. It was great to hear the characters I have spent the past few months imagining, coming to life. In my last blog post, I was talking about the issues I hadContinueContinue reading “Sky Edge- Progress”
The Sons of Cain
Risen now, the sons of Cain, Through the slurries of history and open doors of kindness No nature can contain. Risen now, with violent distain. Fearing now no act of god, no judgement, nor, no hand of love to force the stolen refrain. Risen now, foul humanity again. Reasonless, the rancid vultures, ascended now; theContinueContinue reading “The Sons of Cain”
Three Miles to the Horizon
Here is an excerpt from my current work in progress, feel free to take the time to give me any feedback you may have on this. Thanks. Three Miles to the Horizon I am three miles from the horizon. There are 140 million square miles of ocean on this planet. Saltwater covers 71% of the Earth’s surface.ContinueContinue reading “Three Miles to the Horizon”