The touch of her…
Santa woke with a panic, it was three days before Christmas and those bastard elves had shaved his beard off in his sleep.
Author Archives: Peter Wyn Mosey
Dreaming of Walls
Devise a personal reality
Divide opinion and emotion.
Supporting Artiste
I don’t get my name in lights.
Or even in the credits
Writing Prompt #10
I am a funk addict. Let me tell you about my dealer…
This is not a confession
Writing Collab #13- Ghosts
Autumn always brings dancing death to our doors
I’ve Been Nominated For A Sunshine Blogger Award
I am very honoured that I have been nominated for a sunshine blogger award!
Writing Collab #12- Rwy’n Canu Am Byth
Welsh rain batters pitter-patter
From coast to town to rolling hill
Flashback Friday#1- Three Miles To The Horizon
I, the cosmic mind have explored the labyrinths of the sea.
I have counted and measured the waves and explored the depths.
I have counted the grains of sand on the shores of the time.
I am the quantifier of all human life.
Writing Collab #11 – Rewinding
As we teeter; Jenga-like totems of our former selves; reminders flood cauterised caches. Photocopies of what we were, what I was, what this was.
Writing Collab #10- Hashtag Your Best Life
No foxes in the moonlight
Just screens facing the void
Writing Prompt #9
The solution to Brexit is…
The Beatles could have been so much better if…
Writing Collab #9 – Black-Breasted Quails and Rhesus Monkeys
The Rhesus Monkey could teach us humanity
Writing Collab #8- The Last Stop
They’re all one in seven billion.
Writing Collab #7 – Dreams of Sanity
When the fogged fuzz evaporates
And dams halt the dry and silent tears.
When lost days are returned unharmed
And clarity details its inner shame.
Writing Prompt #8
1. Don’t open that door, there is a…
2. I’ve discovered the meaning of life, it is…
3. You do not deserve an apology.
Now That’s What I Call Politics! A 2019 Election Mixtape
For those suffering from the electoral blues and those who want to eradicate a different kind of blue from the houses of parliament, here is the definitive UK election playlist to warm the hearts of those who are bored to tears by the whole millennia-spanning saga.
Writing Collab #6 – They Call It Halloween
Walking down the street bones-a-rattling in the cold and musky late October air, Batty and Bones huddled close to each other as children paraded shaking buckets of sweets and howling ghostly screams.
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Writing Collab #5 – The Headless Horseman
I, nightmares sad knight am no beast. I am not terror for you to scream yourself to sleep after seeing. So why then do people lose their heads in panic at the sight of me?
Writing Prompt #7
I watched the dawning of creation, and frankly it was…
I can remember everything in the most precise details. But I can’t remember what she looked like.
The 30 Day Writing Challenge- A Review
Follow my blog with Bloglovin So, it took more than 30 days as some days were missed, but I managed 30 days and had some lovely feedback from many of the entries. Thank you to everyone who liked, commented, or even shared any of my pieces. If you missed any, go check them all outContinueContinue reading “The 30 Day Writing Challenge- A Review”
Writing Prompt #6
Did David definitely dance down Devon, dear?
If you don’t do this, I will…
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DAY 30- 30 Day Writing Challenge
‘By George, I have it’ cried Henry as he took a mouthful of the strange meaty concoction that had been stewing for the last fourteen hours on Kevin’s stove.