Liebster Award 2019 Nomination

So, the other day I was nominated for the 2019 Liebster award. I’d never actually heard of that award before, but I still felt honoured. I’ve only started embracing blogging recently even though I’ve had this site for years. So I was stunned that weirdchickchronicles would pick me, especially since she’s got such a popularContinueContinue reading “Liebster Award 2019 Nomination”

DAY 10- 30 Day Writing Challenge

Her footsteps crunching through crisp autumn leaves beat in time to the thud of her heart and the rasp of her breath. The rhythm grew pace as she corned the outer rim of the dusk soaked forest. She had left leaving too late, and now panic was in for the night.

Day 9 – 30 Day Writing Challenge

Today’s challenge comes from my wife, Chrissie, and it’s a bit different to the other prompts I’ve had…She’s asked me to write her an apology (for drunkenly keeping her awake until 6am on Sunday morning- when she needed to be up at 7:30am). If you’d like to add to my writing to-do list, I’m doingContinueContinue reading “Day 9 – 30 Day Writing Challenge”

DAY 7- 30 Day Writing Challenge

I have a cloudy memory but I’ve always been drowning in cotton candy words. I tried to put my finger on what I needed to say, only to end up adrift, or worse; shooting the messenger. Nothing was ever shipshape and Bristol fashion, and so often I would beat a dead horse.

DAY 2 – 30 Day Writing Challenge

Today’s challenge comes from Chris Hewitt who challenged me to write about what my dog Pablo was thinking. My wife and I got Pablo about eight weeks ago. He came from a rescue centre. He’s a two-year-old pug/ border terrier cross. He’s a lovely boy who is very affectionate, and extremely sociable. He’s learnt soContinueContinue reading “DAY 2 – 30 Day Writing Challenge”

The Gutenberg Printing Press

There have been over one hundred and thirty million books published in modern history. Every year that number grows by an average of two and a half million.

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